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12 Inspiring Quotes on Workplace Culture from Zappos, Starbucks, Google, and More!

12 Inspiring Quotes on Workplace Culture from Zappos, Starbucks, Google, and More!

Author: Hilary Wright Author: Hilary Wright

To help you get inspired, we’ve compiled these brilliant workplace culture quotes from thought leaders in business and people practices. Like what you see here? Our new ebook shares even more advice on workplace culture and employee engagement. Free Ebook! 50 Leaders' Inspirational Quotes on Employee Engagement and Workplace Culture

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Here are my favorites:

1) Greg Harris, Quantum Workplace: Engaging the hearts, minds, and hands of talent is the most sustainable source of competitive advantage. (Tweet this quote)

2) Dan Satterthwaite, Dreamworks Animation: Engagement requires choice. (Tweet this quote)

3) Jack Welch: No company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it. (Tweet this quote)

4) Doug Conant, Campbell Soup: To win in the marketplace, you must first win in the workplace. (Tweet this quote)

5) Zappos: To make customers happy, we have to make sure our employees are happy first. (Tweet this quote)

6) Jason Lauritsen, Talent Anarchy: Engagement is a renewable decision daily that is voluntarily given when the company has proven worthy of it. (Tweet this quote)

7) Kip Tindell, The Container Store: You can build a much more wonderful company on love than you can on fear. (Tweet this quote)

8) Laszlo Bock, Google: We want to understand what works here rather than what worked at any other organization. (Tweet this quote)

9) Richard Branson, Virgin Group: When you lavish praise on people, they flourish. Criticize, and they shrivel up. (Tweet this quote)

10) Howard Schultz, Starbucks: We will never—and I mean never—turn our backs on our employees. (Tweet this quote)

11) Rick Fererico, P.F. Chang's: You have to be a place that’s more than a paycheck for people. (Tweet this quote)

12) John Mackey, Whole Foods Market: If you are lucky enough to be someone’s employer, then you have a moral obligation to make sure people do look forward to coming to work in the morning. (Tweet this quote)


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