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Office Relocation Checklist: 4 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged When You Move

Author: Aaron Brown Author: Aaron Brown

It’s a beautiful time of year in Omaha, Nebraska—the sounds of whistling winds, falling leaves, referee whistles, and taping boxes fill the air. Okay, you might only hear those last two sounds if you’re a football fan or work at Quantum Workplace.

As we get ready to move corporate offices—and I spend every fall weekend watching football—couldn’t help but think about all the analogies between football and a workplace and how a playing field resembles a workspace.


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There are plenty linkages between football and the workplace (e.g., drafting the right team, picking stars over team players, finding the overlooked contributor, etc.), but one overlooked link is thinking about the playing field and team performance.

  • How will my team perform in a dome versus a natural grass field?
  • Do I have to worry about inclement weather this weekend?


In the workplace, we can control many of those factors (thankfully, our CEO opted for a roof on our current location).

  • What happens when we change office locations or build a new company headquarters?
  • Will our leadership take the same care in choosing the playing field that is right for our team?
  • Will our new location maintain employee engagement and productivity?


This office relocation checklist includes four ways to keep employees engaged when you move.


Poll the Field

The first item on your office relocation checklist happens before you decide on a new location: ask your employees for ideas on where to move and what to include in your new workplace. Ask them specifically for both practical and off-the-wall ideas because employees should feel involved in the process. Additionally, work with teams and departments to see what best suits their needs and unique working styles.


Give the Team Some Practice Time

Worried about an open concept layout or wondering if standing desks will work for your team? Before the big move, try a test run on a few different layouts and see how productivity is impacted. Although different layouts and desk types can certainly improve productivity and collaboration, you still need to see if it works for your team.


Brand it with Team Colors

This is the one chance to make sure every passerby knows this is the HQ for your company. Get a great big logo to sit on the outside of the building, have fun with your color schemes in the break rooms and outdoor areas, and make sure the feel of the building fits your brand. Don’t put things in your office just because the fancy tech company down the road has them - make sure the vibe of the office still retains your core values and culture.


Give Tours of the Venue

Finally, as the time gets closer for the big move, allow groups of employees a sneak-peek at the new office (we just had ours last week!). Whether you are in the initial construction phases or just putting the finishing touches on the cubicles or open office, team members will enjoy seeing the process in play and visualizing their new home for years to come.


Moving offices or building new headquarters can stir uncertainty and disengagement among employees. Use the above office relocation checklist to make sure your move instills trust and boosts employee productivity.



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