New features and AI-powered tools give everyone reviews they can trust. 

OMAHA, Neb. — Quantum Workplace launched Performance Reviews, improving the review process and giving organizations and their employees reviews they can trust. Quantum Workplace is a leading employee success platform and the employee engagement partner for the nationally recognized Best Places to Work Programs. 

The new features make the review process more efficient, effective, and engaging for every team member. Employee performance data and AI help managers write more thoughtful, actionable reviews. Quantum Workplace Performance Reviews transform the process from a stressful check-the-box activity to an essential growth and development conversation. 

"We see far too many performance reviews that would earn a ‘not meeting expectations’ grade,” Quantum Workplace Chief Product Officer Phil Haussler said. “They’re often backward-looking, time-consuming, and stressful. Even the most experienced managers struggle with recency bias and the challenge of starting from a blank page.” 

Quantum Workplace research shows that there’s a big gap between effective and ineffective performance reviews. The top five factors that employees say make a performance review effective and engaging are: 

  • Recognition of accomplishments 
  • Review of performance data 
  • Actionable advice for employees 
  • Discussion of career growth 
  • Clear understanding of performance rating 

“At Quantum Workplace, we’re leveraging AI to help managers create more impactful reviews, grounded in an employee’s goals, feedback, recognition, and 1-on-1 conversations,” Haussler said. “This transforms the review process into forward-looking, actionable coaching that drives both growth and performance.” 

Reviews are only as meaningful as the reliability of the data that supports them. Quantum Workplace’s new Performance Review features are fed by a constant stream of performance data across the platform. This empowers teams to have more effective, ongoing performance conversations throughout the year that level up to create more accurate reviews. Quantum Workplace allows you to embed goals and feedback directly into reviews and makes all past performance data easily accessible from our Ask AI beta feature or a one-click performance snapshot. 

Organizations want an easy performance review process that avoids recency bias and makes reviews less painful and easier to write. Most employees have short memories, so identifying strengths and weaknesses from the past quarter—let alone the past year—can be difficult. Employees no longer need to start with a blank page when writing their reviews. Quantum Workplace's Ask AI tool helps answer common review questions, drafts suggested responses, and recommends additional questions for managers to consider when drafting a response—using context from past performance conversations and activities—directly within the review. The Writing Assistant tool helps managers and employees further improve the clarity and tone of the feedback they provide. 

Employees say they can’t improve their performance without actionable advice. Many performance management tools focus only on improving the review process for admins, but that can leave employees and managers feeling even more burnt-out and disengaged. Employees who receive actionable advice during their review are over 2X more likely to say their review was effective AND be engaged. That’s why Quantum Workplace included suggested actions within its AI-powered review summary that employees can add to their performance snapshot and track over time to help them continue to develop in their roles. 

“Quantum Workplace has given us the means to measure what we have not previously been able to measure formally: how focused our teams are on regular formal communication, goal setting, and consistent recognition,” Scooter’s Coffee Employee Experience Advisor Patty Nash said. “Without a doubt, Quantum Workplace has been a critical benefit to enhancing the employee experience at Scooter’s Coffee.”  

Learn more about Quantum Workplace’s Performance Review features and AI-powered tools.